Monday, December 15, 2008

我要用母语记下自己最不明白自己的一个晚上 (上)

我家华仔的演唱会是在 2008 年12月13号, 晚上8:00pm. 我发现, 2008 年12月13号也是我长到20岁以来最不明白自己的日子.

不明白自己为什么会这样: 事件一

照理说(注解:此理指的是我对他迷恋,爱慕的程度), 我应该在前几天, 在前几个礼拜就开始兴奋莫名. 奇怪的是, 在5:50pm出门的时候, 我竟然一点也不紧张, 没有期待, 没有兴奋... 换言之, 感觉就像平时要出门逛街而已啦.

不明白自己为什么会这样: 事件二

终于在吃着McD薯条的时候, 感觉心情有异于平常了. 奇怪的是, 这种心情是在我考试前才会有的; 没想到临见我家华仔前竟然也是这样的心情...特征如下: 没有胃口(ferfer竟然会对薯条没有胃口...), 脑中一片空白, 想睡觉, 想吐, 神志不清, 不知所措, 一直问: nono...怎样办... (并没有想要理会nono的答复)

不明白自己为什么会这样: 事件三

到了现场还是没有想象中的紧张和兴奋. 之前的心情消失一半了, 剩下的只是脑中一片空白, 神志不清和不知所措. 但是还是没有心跳加速, 一点也不像快要见到心爱的人的感觉. 平时在电脑前看着我家华仔的那种激动呢? 没了... 我对自己这种行为的了解是, 可能是因为我已经太习惯他了, 看得多了, 也就少了那份像热恋般的激情了. 又或者是因为我已经反复地看过这场演唱会dvd (香港版) 不下20 次, 能把整个演唱会的流程倒背如流, 所以也就少了期待的刺激感. 所以我想我应该能够在不流泪的状态下, 以平常心看完这场演唱会, 然后继续过着我觉得已经是"迷恋"他的日子.

累了, 未完待续...

Friday, August 17, 2007

I stunned myself.....seriously !!!

I really can't believe myself !!!!! This is just so...not me !! I think this should be a big big shock for you guys too. Hohoho, wondering wat happened to me or wat I did? okok, going to make the announcement now, ready?!?!?

I HANDED IN MY ASSIGNMENT IN ADVANCE !!!!!! ONE DAY BEFORE THE DUE DATE !!!!! Wow !!! I still can't believe it... I'm sooooo HARDWORKING !!!!!!!! 'hardworking', the most inappropriate word u can use on me, well, alright, after the word 'tall'....happy? Now now, back to business, this is the very 1st time I've handed in my work in advance in my entire life !!!! you guys know me as a very-last-minute-and-extremely-lazy gal, right? Well, tat's the true me !!! Not this one !!! One day before the due date ?!?!? wow !!! Calm down calm down (talking to myself and to u, if u got a big shock too).

Actually, I'm supposed to blog this yesterday (friday i mean), but I got carried away by the fact that, I am, at least for once, HARDWORKING !!!! therefore, i spent my whole day celebrating with wah zai~~ (watched his movies i mean)~~

Now, dun be too happy with the thought tat i'm finally a hardworking or, well, normal student. Actually, I have another 2 assignments due in the next 2 weeks, and I haven't started on any...while everyone else is busy doing revision and assignments, I'm still rewarding myself with 'book-free-all-day' for the 2nd continuous day~~~ hohohoho~~ and I'm really pleased to know tat I have NOT turned into a hardworking gal !!!! such a big relief !!!

To honour such a memorable moment, I took a pic of myself right after i came back from uni~~

the lighting....well, this is taken by webcam, and my only source of light is my table lamp...I will take some pictures using camera under daylight in the near future (dun take my words too seriously though, by near future, i really mean one or 2 months later), and u won't see the ghost-like me anymore, my apologies. By the way, I wear hat to uni every thurday, bcoz i'm lazy to do my hair, and more importantly, my hair is always oily on thursday, bcoz i dun wash my hair too often (and i assume u guys are no stranger to this piece of information).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

In the realm of wah zai~~

Are u wondering wat is this cute little thingy? Wat is he doing here in my blog? Well, obviously it has got sth to do with me. Not tat obvious to u perhaps? I should have done this 1st, my mistake...Now, let me introduce u - Andox!!! Andox who??? Andox = Andy & Ox ~~ for those who know me really well, u should know this is about him again !!! Well, this can't be helped, can it ? He is my 2nd favourite topic~~ (And wat's my favourite topic again? Bingo~ Myself !!!)
Andox is the son of wah zai. This very talented handsome guy (i mean wah zai, obviously) 'gave birth' to Andox on mother's day, he designed and sewed Andox by himself !!! Such a brilliant piece of work~~ It's just so cute and adorable!!!

Now, u might be wondering why an awesome singer and actor (and i mean wah zai, again, obviouly) would turn into a doll maker all of a sudden. Well, to be frank, i dun really know, haha. For wat i know, he created Andox out of boredom during his spare time while filming the movie 'three kingdoms'.
1. The chinese characters in the picture above, tat's the title of his latest released album~~ and it's really awesome, all songs are beautiful !!! but wat i love most, is still his voice~~
2. Special thanks to biao mei mei and pui san for the album ~~ can't wait to hold it in my hand!!! Biao mei mei guai~~

Wah zai and Andox in Taiwan during the promotion of his album, and he's wearing shorts, how rare. U might be thinking wat all these have to do with u? In particular this picture... Well, well, i must confess, I wrote this blog merely to upload his picture onto my blog ~~ (this is the only way i know how, thanks to phaik). ohohohoho~ i know i've been saying this too often, but let me say this again, ok? I know u won't mind~ I must say he is just too handsome ~~

Ehm, last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to express my special thanks to phaik, for helping me to set up my very 1st blog...As u can tell, i said this rather unwillingly...think tat i'm very ungrateful? Well, if u consider 'sending me the link of' as a significant help, u can say tat then...

With this, i declare myself an official blogger.

I hate writing essay and i think blogging is very much like it...but still, i'm blogging...And i'm only doing this bcoz of u !!! for i know u miss me a lot~~ So thoughtful of me~~ and with this, i proudly present u -- my 1st blog.

As u might know, i've started my 2nd sem in uni melb 2 days ago, and if u want me to describe my 1st week back in uni in one word, it has to be 'tiring'...It has been one and a half month since i last woke up at 7am in the morning...give me back my winter break !!...7am !!! wat a dreadful way to live a life...and for those who dunno, i have to travel one and a half hour to uni...and u guys think that i'm living a leisure life here doing commerce...

Fortunately, i can say that, u r indeed, quite right !!! hahahaha~~ (well, the previous paragraph is written merely to make u feel better, so u will think tat i'm not much better off here in uni, compare to u guys in form 6 & sweet of me, taking care of ur feelings~~) Actually, i only have to go to uni for 3 days per week, for i dun have any lectures on monday and friday~~ wahahahahahaha !!! and my wednesday lectures start at 1pm~~ ohohohoho!!! Fri, sat, sun and monday...u might be thinking tat i have 4 days off in a week, nah....more precisely, it's 3 days and a half or mayb 2 days if u like, for i'm working on sunday and monday, 4 hours each.

U do know i'm working, don't u ? I'll just tell u again, i'm working as a cashier in a chinese noodle take away shop, owned by my aunt's fren ('no wonder fer can find a job, her aunt's fren...' i know this is wat u r thinking right now, and i couldn't be more agree with u...). Since it's a take away shop, there r only 3 of us, 2 cooks and myself. As u can imagine, other than cooking, i do pretty much everything. Besides being a cashier, I take the order, pack the food, answer the phone, prepare the ingredients and do some basic cleaning. Dun u think i'm brilliant ?? being capable to do all these~~ well, i think i am !! hahaha

Now, now, back to my 1st week of 2nd sem. My favourite lecturer by far, Professor Nilss Olekalns, (he is not handsome, jia qi, if tat's wat u wanna ask), and he is not old (for the rest of u, if u wanna say i'm obsessed with old man...). So, why is he my favourite? Well, he has got style !!! The way he speaks, the way he carries himself...a certain degree of arrogance, very britishish...and i'll bet he is a british !!! And he has the dress sense of a fashion designer. He reminds me of Professor Snape from Harry Potter, not his looks ofcoz, but his style, his charisma, his arrogance. He is just too cool for a lecturer.

I realize this is a bit too long, thus decided not to torture u any longer. Do comment on my blog, so i can improve in the future. Am i too sarcastic or self-obsessed? Well, not sarcastic
if u asked me, 'chuan' is more like the word , but i'm certainly self-obsessed, hahahaha!!! So, just let me be, will u? hahaha~ Mr. Noel Boys, another lecturer of mine, said this in his 1st lecture :" Wat's my favourite topic??? Myself !!!" (hahahaha!!!). Back to me again, wat's my favourite topic??? Bingo! Myself~~ and i certainly won't blame u if the answer in ur head is wah zai...